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20 fabulous kids room decorating ideas from this Insta #

Got kids? Then, you’re probably looking for decorating ideas to make the most of your kids room.

If so, drop everything and do a quick search on your Instagram for the hashtag #ikeahacksforkids. The hashtag is so fun to follow, with lots of amazing kids rooms and decorating ideas to spiff up the tiny tot’s room. At last count, there are 906 over posts on the tag. And I’m sure, growing.

kids room decorating ideas

Credit: @gingered_things | @doro_liebt

Let’s take a look at some of the amazing kids room decorating ideas from Instagram #ikeahacksforkids.

Kids play rooms and storage

I love this one by @kate decorates. The poster sums it up. A 5×5 KALLAX anchors the playroom and provides storage for books, games and toys. The numbered bins are from Crate and Barrel.

Another winning playroom, with the EKET drawers on top of legs.

Bright, bold and full of fun best describes this playroom.

A serene play and reading nook, with the KALLAX and EKET(?) unit forming the corner bench.

A cheerful nursery that’ll be just as comfortable for mommy, daddy and the kids. The DIGNITET curtain wire is all ready for the kids artwork or photos. Complete the room with SANDARED pouffes.

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🌞 S U N N Y S P A C E S 🌞 I used to think I sometimes spent more time in the play room when our children were small than the children! Often setting them up with an activity as I chatted with my friend only to realise they had long disappeared from the play room and were somewhere else… So when I decorate a clients’ playroom I always make sure it’s a happy space for any member of the family to relax in – baby or granny and anyone in between! No wipe clean fabrics or plastic furniture in sight in this cheerful room I completed at the beginning of this month for a young family in need of a comfortable welcoming space to PLAY! @ikeauae featuring heavily as it’s so practical and hardwearing but with subtle hacks and some investment soft furnishings the room has unique qualities. We chose a playful @scionfabrics wallpaper arranged by @stylelibraryme with a neural background to add interest and depth but that’s not overpowering and a bespoke wall to wall soft carpet edged with a wool trim. The toys will add their own decoration and I fashioned wire curtain rails to display the children’s artwork that can be rotated over time. This room will grow with the children and also be a calm place to relax for Mum when the kids are at school or having a nap! Other side of the room coming soon 📸 . . . . . . . . . #playroom #childrensplaces #childrensspaces #sunnyspaces #blueandyellow #ikea #ikeahacksforkids #kidstyle #kidsroom #artdisplay #mycurrentdesignsituation #katsinteriorstyle #colourmyhome #colourpop #yellowchair #interiordesign #interiorstyling #interiordesigner #interiorstylist #stylinginteriors #interiorsaddict ☀❄☀❄☀❄☀❄☀❄☀❄☀❄☀❄☀❄☀❄☀❄

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Kids room beds

An amazing VW bed by @babywohnbar. Under all that awesomeness is a trusty KURA bed. See the tutorial here.

How pretty is this house bed? Dani of @gingered_things made this charming bed with NORDLI bed with storage as its base. Then, wood all the way up. See the house bed hack here.

A platform for play and sleep. How cool! Most of the built-in parts are IKEA, including the KALLAX unit there. The pull out bed (swipe to see), however, is not IKEA.

Kids study desks

A little desk area for the little one, using the STUVA bench as a desk top, paired with FLISAT stools. The SKÅDIS pegboard to hold up the colouring paper and materials. (The bookshelf though, I suspect is a DIY. You may be able to do something similar with the FLISAT bookshelf.)

Lots of table top space to play, write and draw. TROFAST storage units and adjustable table legs prop up the corner desk. See a T-shaped TROFAST kids desk hack.

The KALLAX 1×2 is available in some countries only, such as IKEA UK and Europe. On tapered legs, it makes a pretty console for the kids room.

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[it’s all about THE shelf] Liebe Freunde, heute wollte ich nur „mal eben“ den Häng-was-an-die-Hakenleiste-Hashtag der lieben Mädels @einspluseinsistsechs @doro.em und @uls_andthekids bedienen und schon befinde ich mich in einer Art Schaffenskrise. Mit dieser Seite des Kinderzimmers verhält es sich bei mir gerade wie mit der (altrosa- und irgendwas) Wandfarbe hinter dem Hochbett. Ich werde einfach nicht warm mit dem Anblick. Hier und heute liegt es keinesfalls an der (Wand)Farbe – es liegt an der fehlenden Aufbewahrungs- bzw. Wanddekoration. Seit geraumer Zeit hätte ich gerne ein Regal. Eines, bei dem ich auf Anhieb sage „this is it“. (Alle, die mich schon eine Weile hier begleiten wissen, dass dies dank meiner Entscheidungsfreudigkeit wohl eher nie passieren wird) Bisweilen müssen die provisorisch angebrachten Häuschen über die Tristesse der enormen Wandfläche hinweghelfen. Und ich sehe kaum einen Lichtblick- denn ich habe keine Zeit und / oder keine Muse um hier endlich Abhilfe zu schaffen. Apropos „Zeit“, da schlittere ich dann mal geschmeidig in die nächste Krise. Ich wäre absolut bereit fü ein wenig Nachhilfe in Zeitmanagement…Neben dem Job- und Familienmanagment und dem on top stattfindenden Alltagswahnsinn bleibt mir nämlich gefühlt genau KEINE freie- und ruhige- Minute für Recherchearbeit und Inspirationsfindung für mein Regalproblemchen…Ich Arme. Und so lasse ich Euch heute mit einem in meinen Augen etwas unstimmigen Eindruck vom Kinderzimmer zurück und verabschiede mich mit einem Augenzwinkern zu einem vielleicht nicht rundum ernstgemeintem Post. [Werbung/Produktplatzierung] #mypegracktuesday #mykidsroomwall #kidsroomcarousel #kidsroominspo #kidsroominspiration #kidsroominterior #kidsstuff #kidsstufftolove #kinderzimmerinspo #kinderzimmerideen #pegrack #interiordesign #ikeahacks #lunanili #ikeahacksforkids #solebenwir #couchmagazin #couchstyle #holzspielzeugliebe #holzspielzeug #еvеningvibеs #momoftwo #workingmom #mamablogger_de #mamablogger

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Kids clothes storage

Hallway storage closet for kids’ clothes made from IKEA METOD / SEKTION kitchen cabinets, with a clothes rail from the PAX system.

A cute hallway bench for the kids to put on their shoes. It looks pretty simple too — attach a wood board to the STUVA bench. The finishing touch are the dinosaurs wall hooks. How fun!

Toddler closet, with a tension rod as the clothes rail. A 2-drawer insert completes it.

If your kid’s clothes collection grows, a row of TROFAST frames work too. Nicole of @polishedplayhouse says the wardrobe helps her child develop his own choice and independence. See how she made it here.

Toys and play

This DUKTIG kitchen is sizzling hot over at @baby_g_and_mommy, with the cutest chef ever. See more DUKTIG play kitchen ideas.

I love @crafty.lola‘s rendition of the DUKTIG playkitchen. So gorgeous with a touch of vintage. The fridge is to die for. Here’s a hack for a DUKTIG fridge.

Along the lines of the STORABO rug, you can also draw a personalised landscape for your child. @maritakreativ used the NACKTEN (discontinued). You can also use the very affordable $1.99 FINTSEN to do the same.

Display your toys with this RIBBA hack. For LEGO minifigures, see this hack.

And for the naughty one 😛

A designated spot for time out? The MAMMUT children’s stool has a new role to play.

Go follow #ikeahacksforkids to explore more kids room decorating ideas. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram at ikeahackersofficial. See you there.

The post 20 fabulous kids room decorating ideas from this Insta # appeared first on IKEA Hackers.


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